Electric Hog Stunner

This is a simple to operate, robust and effective hog stunner that does not ruin the pork quality. 

Exact amperage and voltage for instantaneous and painless unconsciousness

No backbone breakage and bloodsplash (bloodspots).
Humane way of producing  your MEAT!!
 Warranty: 1 year replacement warranty
220 vac input, 240 vac output, 60hz transformer, adjustable timer, magnetic switch, contact switch, fuses, automatic circuit breaker, pilot lamp, 5 meter royal cord, power switch, durable tong steak and Electrical Control Box (8x10x12 dimension).
For inquiries, text: 09151982357 

Here is a quote from a famous Animal Science professor, Temple Grandin 

"Since it is impossible for plant personnel to all become electrical engineers, when I audit a plant, I look for clinical signs that the stunner is actually creating an epileptic seizure with a tonic (rigid phase) and clonic (kicking paddling) phase. ...
When an animal is correctly stunned for1 to 3 seconds with a reversible head only stun, a clear tonic and clonic phase of the seizure can be observed. If the stunner is held on for 30 seconds, the spine will become depolarized and the seizure will not be observed. This animal will be insensible provided that the stunner was capable of producing a seizure when applied for 1 to 3 seconds." - Temple Grandin


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